Listen In: KRI Talks with Rental Property Owner & Real Estate Investor Podcast


Podcast: Rental Property Owner & Real Estate Investor

Episode Number: 294

Episode Title: 5 Must-Know Steps to Renovating a Multifamily Apartment Property

Host: Brian Hamrik, Rental Property Owner & Real Estate Investor

Guests: Ken Gee, Founder & Managing Member, KRI Partners

5 Must-Know Steps to Renovating a Multifamily Apartment Property

We believe execution is key to providing our investors with excellent returns. Most value-add business plans include some level of physical renovation to the property itself. In this podcast, Ken talks about the top five steps you must follow when renovating a multifamily property.  These are the five steps KRI follows on every value-add deal that requires significant physical improvements.

How to Vet Sponsors and Fund Managers Before Passively Investing in Real Estate

Also in the podcast, Ken talks about his ebook, Multifamily Real Estate is a Total Gamechanger where he provides some valuable insight into the Sponsor and Fund Manager world that only an insider would have. He provides valuable guidance to passive real estate investors about how to vet a sponsor or fund manager so they can determine with whom they should passively invest.

Learn more and listen in on the conversation here.
